06 Tidbits from Church History – Polycarp’s Martyrdom

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In this episode of Tidbits from Church History we consider Polycarp’s Martyrdom and find in the account of his faithfulness unto death real encouragement. Though we may not know the persecution that those in the first centuries experienced, we nevertheless … Continued

05 Tidbits from Church History – Athanasius Contra Mundum

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In this episode of Tidbits from Church History we take a glimpse into the life of Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria. It was after the Council of Nicea that the opposition against the Biblical doctrine of the deity of Jesus Christ … Continued

04 Tidbits from Church History – King Herod’s Death

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In this episode of Tidbits from Church History we look the Biblical account of the death of King Herod I. This is found in Acts 12, the same chapter in which James is martyred and Peter is imprisoned and then … Continued

03 Tidbits from Church History – Augustine’s Conversion

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In this episode of Tidbits from Church History we take a look at the autobiographical account of Augustine’s conversion. I read a small portion of Augustine’s Confessions where in Book 8 he vividly describes the moment when God rescued him … Continued

02 Tidbits from Church History – Calvin’s Grave

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In this episode of Tidbits from Church History we consider John Calvin’s death, particularly his grave. From this account of John Calvin’s life we get a glimpse into the man’s humility, a humility worth imitating. Here was a reformer, one … Continued

01 Tidbits from Church History – Calvin’s Exile

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In this episode of Tidbits from Church History, Lee Dodd discusses this difficult period of Calvin’s life in the earliest years of his labor and ministry in Geneva, Switzerland. There is much we can glean through considering Calvin’s exile today. … Continued