Donald Whitney’s History with Family Worship
Thank You So Much, Dad My daughter, Laurelen, graduated from a small, classical Christian high school. The school enjoys a commencement tradition
Thank You So Much, Dad My daughter, Laurelen, graduated from a small, classical Christian high school. The school enjoys a commencement tradition
From their website: Join Donald S. Whitney for a free, 5-day email course designed to teach you how to lead your family in worship every day. You’ll learn the 3 key components of family worship and practical tips designed to … Continued
Here is a sermon from Donald Whitney in which he discusses the spiritual discipline of family worship. This talk with help to equip you as you continue to grow in leading family worship. Book Recommendation: Family Worship, Donald Whitney
In this video Donald Whitney gives a brief and excellent overview of how to do family worship.
Parents should teach the things of God to their children at every opportunity, and they should do so with the children individually and collectively. But both in biblical times and now, the best time for parents to teach the things … Continued