The Goodness of God in Affliction

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f51c713105bd86931c0a8b85a73e5e35A Sunday-school teacher had a moveable alphabet, which he used in his class to spell out the most important truth taught in the lesson they were studying. One day, the lesson which he wished them to remember, was this, “The Lord is good to all.” He spelled this out with his letters, and then asked each scholar to repeat it. One little fellow in the class refused to repeat it. The teacher asked him his reason for doing this. He said, “I don’t want to repeat that, because it’s not true. God is not good to father or me. He has taken my little brother away, and father is at home crying about it.” The teacher explained to him that God had taken his little brother away not in anger, but in love. He had taken him to that bright heavenly home, which he was preparing for all His people. “And now, my dear boy,” said the teacher, “if you and your father, only learn to love and serve Jesus, He will take you to meet your brother there, and be happy with him forever.” The little boy said, “Oh! let me go and tell my father about that!” Then he ran home and told his father what the teacher had said. And the end of it was that the boy and his father were both led to seek the Saviour, and became Christians. And then they saw and felt, that even the affliction which had come upon them in the loss of that dear son and brother, God had sent in His goodness.

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