Visitor’s Recollection of Spurgeon’s Family Worship

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This is the account of a visitor’s memory of an evening with the Spurgeon family:

“One of the most helpful hours of my visits to Westwood was the hour of family prayer. At six o’clock all the household gathered into the study for worship. Usually Mr. Spurgeon would himself lead the devotions. The portion read was invariably accompanied with exposition. How amazingly helpful those homely and gracious comments were. I remember, especially, his reading of the twenty-fourth of Luke: “Jesus Himself drew near and went with them.” How sweetly he talked upon having Jesus with us wherever we go. Not only to have Him draw near at special seasons but to go with us whatever labour we undertake… …Then, how full of tender pleading, of serene confidence in God, of world-embracing sympathy were his prayers… His public prayers were an inspiration and benediction, but his prayers with the family were to me more wonderful still… Mr. Spurgeon, when bowed before God in family prayer, appeared a grander man even than when holding thousands spellbound by his oratory.”

What a delightful testimony of one who experienced these occasions of family worship first-hand. Though C.H. Surgeon was often hindered with sickness and one of the busiest men in the ministry, it is truly remarkable to see his ongoing commitment to leading family worship with his wife and children. What an encouragement to us to persevere ourselves!

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